Saugat Marga


Web Design

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Web Design

Course Title: Website Design and Development

Description: This course is tailored for individuals aspiring to enter the field of web design and development. Participants will acquire the essential skills to create visually appealing and functional websites. The course covers both design principles and hands-on development using industry-standard tools and technologies.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Web Design and Development

    • Overview of web design and development.
    • Understanding the role of a web designer/developer.
  2. HTML and CSS Fundamentals

    • Introduction to HTML for structuring web content.
    • Styling web pages using CSS for layout and design.
  3. Responsive Web Design

    • Designing websites that adapt to various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).
    • Media queries and flexible grid layouts.
  4. JavaScript Basics

    • Introduction to JavaScript for adding interactivity.
    • DOM manipulation and event handling.
  5. Introduction to Web Development Tools

    • Using code editors (e.g., Visual Studio Code).
    • Version control with Git.
  6. Web Design Principles

    • Understanding user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design.
    • Color theory, typography, and visual hierarchy in web design.
  7. Adobe XD or Figma for Prototyping

    • Creating wireframes and prototypes for web projects.
    • Collaborative design using industry tools.
  8. Backend Development Basics

    • Introduction to server-side programming (e.g., Node.js, Django, Flask).
    • Basics of databases (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB).
  9. Frontend Frameworks (e.g., React, Vue)

    • Building interactive user interfaces.
    • Component-based development.
  10. Web Hosting and Deployment

    • Understanding web hosting services.
    • Deploying websites on platforms like Heroku, Netlify, or GitHub Pages.
  11. Web Security Basics

    • Overview of common web security threats.
    • Implementing basic security measures.
  12. Portfolio Development and Showcase

    • Creating a portfolio showcasing web design and development projects.
    • Preparing for job applications or freelance opportunities.

Course Fee:

Fee: 45000 Nrs


  • The course is typically designed to be completed in 1.5 months. (45 Hours)


  • Basic understanding of computers and the internet.
  • Access to a computer with internet connectivity.

About A.S. Solution

AS Solution, a seasoned website design and development company, boasts a remarkable 12 years of expertise. Nestled in the vibrant city of Biratnagar, specifically situated at Sauga... Read more

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